(in no particular order)
I think maybe one of my favourite albums of all time. Maybe my top of all time. I realized what an album was supposed to be when I heard this whole thing front to back.
Walking in the Wild West End is a song like no other. "greasy, greasy, greasy hair, ooh! easy smile" Best love song of all time.
A classic. Why own the albums (the are not all no-skips) and just get the hits?
this is a great album to space out to. Title aside, it has one of my favourite Big Theif songs on it, Cattails. This song always transports me to the midwest country side rolling past a train window in the lush late summertime.
this album got me through first year. I will never forget it.
Greatest cover of "Happiness is a Warm Gun."
If I'm feeling blue, this picks me right up. I'm especially greatful that I own it on vinyl because it means that if it is time to put away my phone I can still listen to Aretha's wonderful soul.
This album was reccomended to me by a record store employee. One of the best recs ever. Along with "tell me how you really feel" Perhaps one of my favourite album covers of all the ones I own.
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